What We Offer

Personal Training

Champions’ Personal Trainers will Help You Get Fit and Feel Great!

 Our certified trainers at Champions Gym take your fitness goals seriously. We know that losing weight, gaining muscle and just navigating the gym can be challenging for many. We also know that motivation and knowledge are the keys to building an effective, safe and fun fitness/nutrition program.  Send us a message here, contact one of our certified trainers below, or ask our friendly staff for more information about setting up your FREE initial consultation.

Tiffany Copeland – ISSA

Certified Personal Trainer with Nutrition, Bodybuilding, and Therapy

Email: tiffany@championsgymtexas.com

Phone: ‭(903) 315-7095‬


Certified Personal Trainer with Nutrition and Silver Sneakers

Email: melissa@thompson-training.com

Phone: ‭(903) 331-2783


Certified Personal Trainer

Email: brayden@texaseliteperformance.com

Phone: (832) 801-5673

bubba mccutcheon – ACE

Certified Personal Trainer

Phone: (903) 399-5206

Lauren Zimmerman – NASM

Certified Personal Trainer

Email: laurenlzim@gmail.com

Phone: ‭(903) 241-4533